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Stockwood Vale Golf Club
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Please see the results from this year’s friendly matches. Well Done to Captain Tom, and Vice Captain Dave and all the players this year. As many won as were lost, with a couple of draws. A good outcome from a competitive but at the end of the day, a friendly series of matches. 

SVGC Senior’s Friendliess 2019 – Played 28, Won 11, lost 15, Drawn 2
Saltford – Malcolm Cockle CupAway15th OctLost 5 – 2
SaltfordHome8th OctWon 4.5 – 2.5
LansdownHome26th SepWon 6 – 1
The KendleshireAway23rd SepLost 4 – 3
Isle of WedmoreHome19th SepLost 3 – 2
The BristolHome12th SepWon 5 – 2
Isle of WedmoreAway2th SepLost 6 – 1
CumberwellHome2nd SepLost 2 – 5
Tall PinesAway29th AugustLost 5 – 1
ClevedonAway27th AugustLost 5.5 – 1.5
The BristolAway20th AugustLost 5 – 2
ShirehamptonAway5th AugustLost 3.5 – 2.5
FarringtonAway30th JulyLost 7 – 0
Broome ManorAway25th JulyLost 4 – 2
Tall PinesHome18th JulyWon 5 – 1
GloucesterHome11th JulyWon 4 – 3
Broome ManorHome1st JulyWon 5.5 – 0.5
LansdownAway18 JuneLost 5.5 – 1.5
CumberwellAway12 JuneLost 4 – 2
ThornburyHome4 JuneWon 5.5 – 0.5
ShirehamptonHome30 MayWon 5.5 – 1.5
GloucesterAway28 MayLost 5.5 – 1.5
KnowleAway21 MayHalved
ThornburyAway14 MayLost 5.5 – 1.5
ClevedonHome 30 AprWon 5.5 – 1.5
KnowleHome25 AprWon 6.5 – 0.5
KendleshireHome11 AprHalved
FarringtonHome2 AprWon 6 – 1
SVGC Senior’s Friendliess 2018 – Played 28, Won 12, lost 13, Drawn 3
SaltfordAway16 OctDrew 3.5 – 3.5
Saltford (Cockle Cup)Home9 OctWon 6 – 1
LansdownHome27 SepWon 5.5 – 1.5
KendleshireAway24 SepLost 5 – 2
Isle of WedmoreHome18 SepWon 6 – 1
The BristolHome13 SepWon 4 – 3
Isle of WedmoreAway10 SepLost 4.5 – 1.5
CumberwellHome03 SepWon 4 – 3
The BristolAway18 AugLost 5 – 2
ShirehamptonAway06 AugLost 4.5 – 1.5
FarringtonAway31 JulyDrew 3.5 – 3.5
Broome ManorAway26 JulyLost 3.5 – 2.5
Tall PinesHome19 JulyWon 3.5 – 2.5
GloucesterHome12 JulyWon 4 – 2
Broome ManorHome02 JulyWon 5 – 1
LansdownAway19 JuneLost 4.5 – 2.5
CumberwellAway13 JuneLost 5.5 – 1.5
ThornburyHome05 JuneWon 5 – 1
ShirehamptonHome31 MayWon 5.5 – 2.5
GloucesterAway29 MayLost 4.5 – 2.5
ClevedonAway24 MayLost 6.5 – 0.5
KnowleAway21 MayLost 5 – 2
ThornburyAway15 MayLost 3.5 – 2.5
ClevedonHome01 MayLost 4.5 – 2.5
Tall PinesAway26 AprDrew 3 – 3
Farrington ParkHome03 AprLost 4 – 3
KnowleHome29 MarWon 5 – 1
The KendleshireHome08 MarWon 5.5 – 1.5

Paul Bishop
Seniors Fixture Secretary
Senior’s AGM 2017 report

Please accept my apologies for not being able to attend this year’s AGM, there is not much to report other than we will not be renewing our matches with Worlebury for 2018 however we have received very favourable comments from both Cumberwell Park and Gloucester which were 2 new additions for 2017, I will continue to look for other new openings over the coming year.
We will only play 28 matches in 2018 which is the lowest number for many a year however this is not a bad thing as we have many other commitments within the seniors section, if you haven’t played senior team matches in the past please consider enlisting for 2018, it’s a fun day with friendly golf and a two course meal after the match and of course you get to play on other courses for a fraction of the normal green fees with a meal thrown in as well, please support our incoming Captain and put your name down on the noticeboard which appears over January.

Senior Matches v Other Clubs 2017



The format for the matches is 2 ball better ball i.e. two members of Stockwood play two members of the opposing team. The lowest stroke score wins the hole.
Team member handicaps are calculated off the member(s) with the lowest handicap – nine tenths of the difference eg. lowest handicap in group is 10, someone with a 20 handicap will receive 9 shots and have one extra shot on holes stroke index one to nine.

 The cost of the day is normally around £13 and includes the round of golf and a two course meal . As a trial we have stopped collecting the £3/match/player towards supplying wine on the table for home matches, instead a “Senior Match Day Wine”, which will cost £10 (£9 on your club card) will be made available on the day.
If required, Ryan has kindly agreed to set up bar tabs for each of the fourballs at home matches.
This tab can be settled by one of the members using their card (again 10% discount) and the cost then split evenly between the pairing.
It is normal for the home players to buy the drinks for their opponents after the match and for all individuals to donate a £1 as a tip for the catering staff.

 Cumberwell Golf Club

new fixture for 2017

Results:2017overall P30 W12 L13 D5Team
SaltfordOct 17awaylost 4 – 3Malcolm Gray & Andy Pillinger, Keith Sheppard & Terry Edenborough, Derek Bryant & Richard Neate, Alan Gregg & Greg Thomson, Paul Trenchard & Colin Harvey, Mike Newell & Barry Jenkins, Richard Bryant & Mike Lock
SaltfordOct 10homewon 6 – 1Mike Newell & Colin Harvey, Peter Mumford & Andy Pillinger, Derek Bryant & Ron Curtis, Peter Cheesley & Greg Thomson, Keith Sheppard & Barry Jenkins, Alan Gregg & Mike Lock, Paul Trenchard & Dave Barrett
LansdownSep 28homedrew 3.5 – 3.5Simon Waddington & Guy Norfolk, Andy Pearce & Mike Newell, Derek Bryant & Malcolm Gray, Richard Bryant & Keith Sheppard, Greg Thomson & Paul Trenchard, Dave Barrett & Ron Curtis, Mike Lock & Peter Hooper
KendleshireSep 25awaylost 6.5 – 1.5Bob Winter & Mike Lock, Ron Curtis & Barry Jenkins, Derek Bryant & Peter Mumford, Malcolm Gray & Alan Gregg, Alan Partridge & Greg Thomson, Clive Hammond & Peter Hooper, Mike Newell & Andy Pillinger, Paul Trenchard & Colin Harvey
WorleburySep 21homedrew 3 – 3Ron Curtis & Mike Lock, Malcolm Gray & Paul Trenchard, Derek Bryant & Andy Pillinger, Mike Newell & Greg Thomson, Simon Waddington & Peter Mumford, Terry Edenborough & Barry Jenkins
Isle of WedmoreSep 19homelost 4 – 2Peter Cheesley 12 & Alan Gregg, Simon Waddington & Peter Hooper, Derek Bryant & Keith Sheppard, Malcolm Gray & Bob Winter, Paul Trenchard & Andy Pillinger, Dave Barrett & Colin Harvey
Isle of WedmoreSep 11awaydrew 3 – 3Mike Newell & Barry Jenkins, Ron Curtis & Keith Sheppard, Derek Bryant & Alan Partridge, Mike Lock & Bob Winter, Paul Trenchard & Peter Hooper, Richard Neate & Richard Bryant
CumberwellSep 04homewon 4 – 3Clive Hammond & Paul Trenchard, Alan Burge & Terry Edenborough, Derek Bryant  & Mike Newell, Barry Jenkins & Colin Harvey, Rob Cook & Ron Curtis, Keith Sheppard & Richard Bryant, Mike Lock & Bob Winter
The BristolAug 22awaylost 5 – 2Mike Newell & Alan Partridge, Alan Gregg & Peter Cheesley, Derek Bryant & Paul Trenchard, Terry Edenborough & Greg Thomson, Rob Cook & Peter Hooper, Mike Lock & Bob Winter, Richard Bryant & Alan Burge
ShirehamptonAug 07awaywon 4.5 – 2.5Greg Thomson & Rob Cook , Paul Trenchard & Clive Hammond, Derek Bryant & Alan Burge, Terry Edenborough & Barry Jenkins, Mike Newell & Keith Sheppard, Andy Pillinger & Peter Hooper, Ron Curtis & Richard Neate
FarringtonAug 01awaylost 7 – 1Clive Hammond & Colin Harvey, Mike Newell & Greg Thomson, Derek Bryant & Alan Gregg, Rob Cook & Peter Cheesley, Terry Edenborough & Malcolm Gray, Ron Curtis & Keith Sheppard, Paul Trenchard & Dave Barrett, Andy Pillinger & Barry Jenkins
Broome ManorJuly 27awaylost 3.5 – 2.5Simon Waddington & Peter Cheesley, Barry Jenkins & Alan Partridge, Derek Bryant & Dave Barrett, Tony Little & Paul Trenchard, Alan Burge & Clive Hammond, Richard Bryant & Andy Pillinger
Tall PinesJuly 20homedrew 3 – 3Rob Cook & Keith Sheppard, Andy Pillinger & Paul Trenchard, Derek Bryant & Simon Waddington,Peter Cheesely & Mike Newell, Malcolm Gray & Alan Partridge, Ron Curtis & Dave Barrett
GloucesterJuly 13homewon 5 – 2Keith Sheppard & Richard Bryant, Dave Barrett & Mike Newell, Derek Bryant & Richard Neate, Ron Curtis & Peter Hooper, Malcolm Gray & Clive Hammond, Andy Pillinger & Terry Edenborough, Greg Thomson & Paul Trenchard
ClevedonJuly 10awaylost 5 – 1Bob Winter & Colin Harvey, Terry Edenborough & Peter Hooper, Derek Bryant & Greg Thomson, Mike Newell & Paul Trenchard, Barry Jenkins & Keith Sheppard, Alan Partridge & Andy Pillinger
Broome ManorJuly 03homewon 5 – 1Richard Neate & Clive Hammond, Paul Trenchard & Colin Harvey, Derek Bryant & Mike Newell, Ron Curtis & Terry Edenborough, Malcolm Gray & Alan Gregg, Mike Lock & Bob Winter
LansdownJune 20awaylost 6 – 1Andy Pearce & Paul Trenchard, Clive Hammond & Alan Burge, Derek Bryant & Barry Jenkins, Mike Newell & Colin Harvey, Keith Sheppard & Terry Edenborough, Dave Barrett & Peter Hooper, Richard Bryant & Alan Partridge
CumberwellJune 14awaywon 4 – 3Derek Bryant & Peter Cheesley, Rob Cook & Colin Harvey, Greg Thomson & Alan Gregg, Mike Newell & Malcolm Gray, Keith Sheppard & Ron Curtis, Mike Lock & Bob Winter, Paul Trenchard & Peter Mumford
ThornburyJune 06homelost 3 – 2John Fry & Andy Pillinger, Malcolm Gray & Bob Winter, Derek Bryant & Paul Trenchard, Alan Gregg & Mike Newell, Richard Neate & Mike Lock
ShirehamptonJune 01homewon 6 – 1Simon Waddington & Alan Gregg, Terry Edenborough & Peter Hooper, Derek Bryant & Alan Partridge, Mike Newell & Paul Trenchard, Rob Cook & Greg Thomson, Andy Pillinger & Tony Little, Ron Curtis & Keith Sheppard
GloucesterMay 30awaylost 5 – 2Clive Hammond & Barry Jenkins, Paul Trenchard & Peter Hooper, Derek Bryant & Mike Newell, Colin Harvey & Andy Pillinger, Ron Curtis & Mike Lock, Dave Barrett & Richard Bryant, Terry Edenborough & Keith Sheppard
KnowleMay 22awaydrew 3.5 – 3.5Bob Winter & Mike Lock, Paul Trenchard & Andy Pillinger, Rob Cook & Peter Cheesley, Mike Newell & Clive Hammond, Richard Neate & Barry Jenkins, Alan Gregg & Malcolm Gray, Greg Thomson & Terry Edenborough,
ThornburyMay 16awaywon 5-2Alan Gregg & Peter Hooper, Andy Pillinger & Clive Hammond, Derek Bryant  & Bob Winter, Mike Lock Ron Curtis, Andy Pearce & Malcolm Gray, Terry Edenborough & Keith Sheppard, Paul Trenchard & Colin Harvey
Tall PinesMay 04awaylost 5 – 1Mike Newell & Greg Thomson, Ron Curtis & Richard Bryant, Peter Cheesley & Alan Partridge, Andy Pearce & Barry Jenkins, Terry Edenborough & Paul Trenchard, Keith Sheppard & Dave Barrett
ClevedonMay 02homelost 4.5 – 1.5Greg Thompson & Barry Jenkins, Mike Lock & Mike Newell, Derek Bryant & Colin Harvey, Keith Sheppard & Peter Hooper, Malcolm Gray & Terry Edenborough, Paul Trenchard & Ron Curtis
KnowleApr 26homewon 6 – 1Simon Waddington & Barry Jenkins, Peter Hooper & Mike Newell, Derek Bryant & Clive Hammond, Keith Sheppard & Ron Curtis, Andy Pillinger & Malcolm Gray, Rob Cook & Mike Lock, Alan Burge & Terry Edenborough
The BristolApr 20homewon 4.5 – 2.5Keith Sheppard, Greg Thompson, Mike Newell, Alan Burge, Rich Palmer, Derek Bryant, Alan Gregg, Malcolm Gray, Rob Cook, Paul Trenchard, Peter Hooper, Mike Lock, Ron Curtis, Clive Hammond, Terry Edenborough
WorleburyApr 13awaylost 4.5 – 0.5Alan Burge, Andy Pillinger, Greg Thomson, Peter Hooper, Derek Bryant, Ron Curtis, Simon Waddington, Terry Edenborough, Keith Sheppard, Barry Jenkins
FarringtonApr 4homewon 5.5 – 1.5Clive Hammond & Richard Neate, Laurence Stenner & Barry Jenkins, Derek Bryant & Malcolm Gray, Andy Pearce & Paul Trenchard, Andy Pillinger & Peter Cheesley, Keith Sheppard & Mike Newell, Alan Partridge & Colin Harvey
KendleshireMar 16homewon 4 – 3Brian Clutterbuck & Peter Hooper, Peter Cheesley & Terry Edenborough, Derek Bryant & Greg Thomson, Mike Newell & Colin Harvey, Ron Curtis & Andy Pillinger, Rob Cook & Malcolm Gray, Keith Sheppard & Paul Trenchard